DEI1198 is an eight-channel parallel discrete-to-digital interface IC implemented in an HV DIMOS technology. It senses eight GND/OPEN discrete signals of the type commonly found in avionic systems and converts them to logic data. The discrete data is read from the device via a parallel tri-state bus.
- Eight discrete inputs
- Senses GND/OPEN discrete signals.
- Meets input threshold and hysteresis requirements specified per AirBus ABD0100H specification.
- Thresholds: 4.5 V / 10.5 V, Hysteresis: 3 V
- ~1 mA DIN source/sink current to prevent dry relay contacts.
- Internal isolation diode.
- Uses an external 3 kΩ resistor on the inputs to implement lightning transient immunity of 1600 V and higher. i.e.: DO160E, Section 22, Levels 4 and 5.
- Inputs protected from Lightning Induced Transients per DO160, Section 22, Cat A3 and B3 plus waveform 5A to 500 V.
- Parallel I/O interface
- TTL/CMOS compatible inputs and Tristate outputs
- CLK & /OE control inputs and outputs
- Logic Supply Voltage (VCC): 3.3 V ±%
- Analog Supply Voltage (VDD): 12.0 V to 16.5 V
- Package Options
- 24 Lead TSSOP EP Thermally Enhanced
- Pin compatible with DEI1166/67
Functional Description DEI1198 is an eight-channel parallel discrete-to-digital interface IC implemented in an HV DIMOS technology. Itsenses eight GND/OPEN discrete signals of the type commonly found in avionic systems and converts them to logic data. The discrete data is read from the device via a parallel tri-state bus.The discrete input circuits are designed to achieve a high level of lightning transient immunity. The application design requires a series 3 kΩ resistor on each discrete input to achieve DO160 Level 3 and WF5A 500 V pin injection immunity. Higher immunity levels can be achieved (i.e. Level 5) with the addition of a TVS between the resistor and the input pin.