The DEI1170A/DEI1171A bipolar integrated circuits are line drivers designed to directly drive the ARINC 429 avionics serial digital data bus. The device converts TTL/CMOS serial input data to the tri-level RZ bipolar differential modulation format of the ARINC bus. A TTL/CMOS control input selects the output slew rate for HI (100KBS) and LOW (12.5KBS) speed operation. No external timing capacitors are required. A429 output tri-state capability is enabled by the TS_CTL input.
- TTL/CMOS to ARINC 429 Line Driver
- HI/LO Speed Control Pin for Hi (100KBS) or Lo (12.5KBS) speed slew rates
- ±9.5V to ±16.5V supplies
- Drives full ARINC load
- Output resistor options: 0, 10 or 37.5 Ohms
- Tristate Output feature
- Thermally enhanced 5 x 5 mm MLP package
- The DEI1170A family is an improved version of the popular DEI1170 family
Functional Description The DEI1170A/DEI1171A bipolar integrated circuits are line drivers designed to directly drive the ARINC 429 avionics serial digital data bus. The device converts TTL/CMOS serial input data to the tri-level RZ bipolar differential modulation format of the ARINC bus. A TTL/CMOS control input selects the output slew rate for HI (100KBS) and LOW (12.5KBS) speed operation. No external timing capacitors are required. A429 output tri-state capability is enabled by the TS_CTL input.The DEI1170A/1A Line Drivers are an improved version of the popular DEI1170/1 family. They provide:
- Lower power consumption
- Excellent waveform fidelity
- Improved transient immunity. This improvement simplifies the equipment design for lightning and RF immunity requirements.