The DEI1084 is a CMOS ARINC 429 Transceiver IC. It is pin compatible with the Holt HI-3584 and HI-8584 products.
- ARINC specification 429 compatible
- 3.3 V / 5.5 V supply operation
- Dual receiver and single transmitter interface
- 32nd transmit bit can be data or parity
- Self test mode
- Pin compatible with HI3584 & HI8584
- Programmable label recognition
- On-chip 16 label memory for each receiver
- 32 x 32 FIFO for transmitter and each receiver
- Independent data rate selection for transmitter and each receiver
- Status register
- Data scramble control
- Package Options: 52L QFP, 52L CQFJ, & 64L MLPQ
Functional Description The DEI1084 is a CMOS ARINC 429 Transceiver IC. It is pin compatible with the Holt HI-3584 and HI-8584 products.The enhancements relative to the DEI1016 transceiver include: 32x32 bit FIFO for transmitter, 32x32 bit FIFO for each receiver, a status register, label recognition capability, bit timing feature and choice of scrambled or unscrambled ARINC data output. The DEI1084 version has on-chip 10 kΩ resistors and do not require external resistors on the inputs.The DEI1085 version requires external serial 10 kΩ resistors on the receiver inputs. This simplifies the implementation of external lightning protection networks.